Chandrayaan-3 records 250+ seismic events, 50 need studies to check link to moonquakes | India News – Times of India

Chandrayaan-3 records 250+ seismic events, 50 need studies to check link to moonquakes | India News – Times of India

India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission has made significant discoveries on the Moon’s south polar region, detecting over 250 seismic signals, including some that may be linked to Moonquakes. This is the first seismic data collected from the Moon’s southern polar region since the Apollo era. The data was gathered by the Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) aboard the Vikram lander. While most signals were related to the rover’s movements, about 50 were unexplained. Researchers are now analyzing these findings to understand their cause. This research has been published in the scientific journal ICARUS by a group of Isro researchers.



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