Pramoj Sanker Appointed as Acting Transport Commissioner Amidst Administrative Changes |

Pramoj Sanker Appointed as Acting Transport Commissioner Amidst Administrative Changes |

The government has appointed additional transport commissioner P S Pramoj Sanker to take on the full additional charge of transport commissioner in Thiruvananthapuram. This decision was made due to the transport commissioner-designate A Akbar not assuming the post. Akbar, who was appointed last month, expressed inconvenience in relocating to Thiruvananthapuram immediately as he is currently…

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Bus Fares Hiked in Punjab, Check Details

Bus Fares Hiked in Punjab, Check Details

The Punjab transport department has announced a hike in bus fares due to the increase in fuel prices. The fare for ordinary buses has been raised by 23 paise per passenger per kilometre. This decision comes after the state government increased the Value Added Tax on petrol and diesel. The fare for HVAC buses has…

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