Sakhi Lake: Sakhi Lake Suffers Severe Pollution from Pharmaceutical Waste: A Call to Action | Hyderabad News

Sakhi Lake: Sakhi Lake Suffers Severe Pollution from Pharmaceutical Waste: A Call to Action | Hyderabad News

Sakhi Lake in Patancheru, Hyderabad, is facing severe pollution due to industrial and domestic waste, threatening its existence as an aquatic ecosystem. A recent study conducted by a research scholar at Osmania University revealed high levels of pollutants and deteriorating water quality in the lake. The contamination includes heavy metals, organic waste, and harmful algae growth due to excessive nutrients. Eutrophication, caused by nutrient overload, is depleting oxygen levels and endangering aquatic life. The presence of synthetic drugs and toxic chemicals further adds to the lake’s pollution. Despite these challenges, there is hope for the lake’s revival if immediate actions are taken to address the pollution.



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