Cyber Scam: Cyber Scam 2.0: Fake Cops Extort Crores from Victims in Hotel Detention Scheme | Mumbai News

Cyber Scam: Cyber Scam 2.0: Fake Cops Extort Crores from Victims in Hotel Detention Scheme | Mumbai News

A senior executive in Mumbai fell victim to a sophisticated scam where he was isolated in five-star hotels for nine days by individuals posing as crime branch officers. They accused him of money laundering and human trafficking, providing fake legal documents to support their claims. The scammers coerced the executive into handing over a staggering Rs 2 crore. This tactic of “hotel detentions” is a new trend among scammers, allowing them to control victims and prevent intervention from loved ones. Cyber security experts warn that these scams are becoming more sophisticated and target wealthy individuals who may be easily intimidated. Awareness campaigns are needed to educate people on how to protect themselves from such scams. Sure! This content is discussing the importance of staying hydrated, especially during physical activity or hot weather. It explains that dehydration can lead to serious health issues, such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke. The article emphasizes the need to drink water regularly throughout the day, even when not feeling thirsty, in order to maintain proper hydration levels. It also suggests monitoring urine color as a simple way to gauge hydration status. Overall, the message is clear: staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and well-being.



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