Hyundai has launched the new Venue E+ variant with an electric sunroof, priced at ₹8.23 lakh. This makes it the most affordable subcompact SUV with this feature. The E+ trim is ₹29,000 more expensive than the entry-level E variant. The Venue now offers 10 variants, including the E, E+, S, S+, and SX. The E+ variant comes with a 1.2-litre petrol engine and manual transmission. Other features include a digital instrument cluster, airbags, ESC, and HAC. The addition of the electric sunroof aims to attract more buyers, especially during the festive season. Sunroofs are becoming popular in subcompact SUVs, with Kia Sonet and Mahindra XUV 3XO also offering this feature on lower trims.
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